Opening page
Old News
Future Wars
The Beginning

In production

HMP has got one or two über-crazed Productions going all the time. This is because we're:
1.)Very creative people.
2.)Kinda slow and laidback people.
3.)We love to make movies. Especially the kind that kicks butt.
4.)The Special Effects preparations needs work.
Hard work.

At the moment in Production:

The Science fiction/Comic book- masterpiece FUTURE WARS is in its crucial post-production stage these days. You'll be so pleased to see our awesome results. We've got extremely high expectations in our own accomplishments on this one. Look forward to Space Battles, horrific Alien Freaks, a man Lost in Time and his Fight for Earth's Future.
A teasertrailer should appear for this one in not so long.Click on the menu to your left to read about the film and its (pesky) makers (insane and geeky) progression.

Part 3 of the Curse trilogy
Work title: You thought THAT was a curse? Now watch this! a.k.a Curse Inc. a.k.a Curse of the Ugly Wanderer
Further information about this blockbuster to come.

In post- production:

Curse of the Cannibal Dog, Editors Cut
Status: Cut, screened to a test- audience, a super major success.
Release date: Rather unknown. To accompany Curse of the Happy Monsters.
Howcome not sooner: Trilogies always work the best when seen together. Have patience.

Curse of the Happy Monsters
Status: Cut.
Release date: Probably Q3 2002 when the trilogy is completed.
Howcome not sooner: The 3rd 'Curse'-film will be shot during the summer 2002.
However, there is a remote possibilty Happy Monsters will be included in the DVD-release of Paranoia Express, scheduled for christmas 2001.

Please note that we without further notice can and will change these dates, at our own request.